Afternoons for Monday 12 April 2021
1:12 First song
1:17 Harm from prescribed medications uncovered
Researchers from Otago University have a had a look at data on harm caused by prescription medications in New Zealand.
It's the first time such a study has been done and lead author Dr Sharon Leitch, talks to Jesse about what the figures have told them about the issue.
Photo: 123RF
1.27 Moving a Port is not a simple operation
Just how easy is it to move a PORT? And what sort of impact could moving Auckland's Port have on the environment?
David Grinlinton is a Professor of Law at the University of Auckland focusing on environmental and resource management law.
He's written about this issue and talks to Jesse about his concerns.
Photo: RNZ / Kymberlee Fernandes
1.34 Worldwatch's Perlina Lau's TV show debut
Before COVID hit and Worldwatch's Perlina Lau came to work at RNZ, she was making a tv show series based on a future after a pandemic had hit the world!
Unlike the current one, the imagined pandemic was fatal to men, leaving the world to be run by women.
Perlina talks to Jesse about Creamerie, which will be available from next Monday on TVNZonDemand and screening on TV 2 at 9.30pm.
Creamerie cast (Perlina Lau 3rd right) Photo: supplied
1:45 Great NZ Album
2:10 Television Critic: Caitlin Cherry
Caitlin discusses
Snowpiercer Season 2 and Firefly Lane which are both on Netflix.
2:20 How to know more about the origins of the Kaimoana you buy
How much do you know about the origins of the kaimoana you buy at the supermarket or your local fishmonger?
In a piece for Newsroom, marine scientist Veronica Rotman provides a guide so the consumer can reduce their impact on our oceans and feel good about buying their kai.
Photo: 123rf
2:30 Global supply chains and how they have been COVID disrupted
In the headlines recently was the impact the Suez Canal blocking would have on global supply chains around the world.
Today's expert can talk about what a supply chain is, how the recent incident impacted on them and why there has also been a big COVID related disruption.
Joining Jesse to discuss all of this is Chris Edwards, he's the President of Customs Brokers and Freight Forwarders Federation.
Tug boats and dredgers on March 27, 2021, attempting to free the ship Ever Given, which was lodged sideways and impeding all traffic across Egypt's Suez Canal. Photo: Satellite image 2021 Maxar Technologies / AFP
3:10 Trying to answer the question: "What is Life?"
The dictionary doesn't have the definition, neither does Google but it's one of the biggest questions of all; what is life? Science columnist for the New York Times, Carl Zimmer, discovers the quest for an answer is full of surprises. His new book is Life's Edge: The Search for What it Means to be Alive.
Carl Zimmer Photo: supplied
3:35 Voices
On Voices, Kadambari Raghukumar meets one of the artists behind a graffiti art exhibition in Lower Hutt, that’s been put together by the crew TMD.
3:45 The Panel with Heather Roy and Anton Matthews