1.12 First Song:

1:17 The latest on the tsunami warning and evacuations

Hamish Cardwell has been covering the earthquakes and tsunami alerts from early in the morning. 

He updates Jesse on what is known and expected. 

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Photo: RNZ/Vinay Ranchhod

1:20  The latest on the tsunami warning and evacuations

Rachel Whalley is from Matata, she evacuated to Awa Kaponga Hall and has recently arrived in Kawerau. 

She talks to Jesse about evacuating with her elderly mother and dog in the early hours of this morning. 

Maraenui between Te Kaha and Ōpōtiki township on State Highway 35

Maraenui between Te Kaha and Ōpōtiki township on State Highway 35 Photo: Supplied / Louis Rapihana

1:25 The latest on the tsunami warning and evacuations 

Taranaki reporter, Robin Martin, talks to Jesse about what's happening on the west coast of the North Island. 

The tsunami threat to New Zealand following the 8.1M earthquake near the Kermadec Islands on 5 March 2021.

The tsunami forecast following three major earthquakes on 5 March 2021. Graphic: RNZ / Vinay Ranchhod / Civil Defence

1:30 The latest on the tsunami warning and evacuations 

Kate Malcolm from Dive Tutukaka talks to Jesse about what's been happening in the north after the earthquake and tsunami alerts that followed. 

Tutukaka Marina

Tutukaka Marina Photo: Wikimedia Commons

1.35 The latest on the tsunami warning and evacuations 

People in the Bay of Plenty township  of Kutarere were evacuated to the Roimata Marae on the hills above. Gaylene Kohunui from the marae is also the local civil defence volunteer.

She talks to Jesse about the relief of the tsunami warning being downgraded. 

Maraenui between Te Kaha and Ōpōtiki township on State Highway 35

Maraenui between Te Kaha and Ōpōtiki township on State Highway 35 Photo: Supplied / Louis Rapihana

1.40 Using anti-smoking campaign for climate change action 

An expert in public health says a hard-hitting campaign helped dramatically lower smoking rates in New Zealand and is asking - could the same be done for climate change? 

Dr Caroline Shaw is an associate professor in Public Health at Otago University and explains to Jesse how a similar approach would work. 

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Photo: 123RF

1.45 Native tree donations to whanau with newborns to reinstate Māori tradition 

In Tairāwhiti an organisation is giving native trees to whanau with newborn babies - to help reconnect them with the custom of burying the placenta, or whenua. 

The Women's Native Tree Project Trust has so far donated about one hundred and 20 native trees to new māmā since the project started a year ago. 

Midwife and Mokopuna Ora coordinator Kaniwa Kupenga Tamarama explains the project to Jesse.  

Soft focus of newborn tiny baby hand on parent hands.

Photo: 123RF

1.50 Farmers encouraged to use technology more to help productivity 

Agritech, technology available to farmers is everything from electric fences to apps that help measure crop growth. 

But the sector might not be using the technology available to it as much as it could. 

Brendon O'Connell from Agritech New Zealand explains to Jesse about how they should be encouraged to adopt as much technology as they can. 

Canterbury region farms

Photo: RNZ / Nate McKinnon

2:10 Film Review with Graeme Tuckett 

Today Graeme reviews Chaos Walking, an adaptation - the first of three planned - of a trilogy of Patrick Ness's  YA novels. This is based on the Knife of Never Letting Go.

And The Food Club. A pleasant latest entry in the Midlife-Crisis-In-Italy genre, after Made in Italy (Liam Neeson) and From The Vine with Joe Pantogliana.

2:20 Best of First Songs 

Due to alert level changes in Auckland the band we were due to feature for NZ Live wasn't able to come in! Instead we have  collection of live first songs which have played in the past year. The montage was collected and put together by RNZ sound engineer, Andre Upston.

3:08 Julie Biuso has a five recipes to use up excess produce

Today Julie Biuso has a bunch of quick vegetable dishes. At this time of year vegetables are plentiful and often at their cheapest. You can find her recipes here, here, here, here and here!

Avocado with Tarragon & Edible Flowers

Avocado with Tarragon & Edible Flowers Photo: supplied

3:16 Music 101: Charlotte Ryan

Charlotte Ryan, host of Music 101 here on RNZ each Saturday afternoon from midday talks about what's happening on the music scene over the weekend, what's coming up on her show tomorrow and because Friday is new music day - she'll pick us a track to play.

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Photo: RNZ / Claire-Eastham Farrelly

3:25 Gardening with Lynda Hallinan 

3:35 Critter of the Week Lichen tuft moth - Izatha psychra 

This week’s critter is Izatha psychra, a species of lichen tuft moth found only in the Pukaki Scientific Reserve and feared to be extinct after fire ripped through the Reserve last August. Less than a dozen males have ever been found and no-one has seen the ladies—which might be fair enough when your mate has a spiky phallus!

Mid Canterbury Lichen Tuft Moth (Izatha Psychra)

Mid Canterbury Lichen Tuft Moth (Izatha Psychra) Photo: Birgit Rhode, Manaaki Whenua
