1:10 First song: Caleb Isaacs

Caleb Isaacs first-full length album, Everything is Motion released last Friday and he's celebrating by taking it on tour over the next couple of months.

He join us from the Christchurch studio today for First Song.

Caleb Isaacs

Caleb Isaacs Photo: Supplied

1:15 Coronavirus release begins at Whangaparaoa​

New Zealanders and foreigners who have been quarantined at an Whangaparaoa military base for two weeks have started to be released after passing this mornings health checks.Friends and family of the people who have been quarantined in Whangaparoa are already gathering at the naval base awaiting their release.

More than 150 people have spent the past 14 days at the naval base, north of Auckland, since returning from China on special charter flight following the outbreak of Coronavirus.

Evacuees prepare to leave the quarantine area at Whangaparāoa.

Evacuees prepare to leave the quarantine area at Whangaparāoa. Photo: Supplied

1:17 Wellington water infrastructure concerns 

Wellington's water infrastructure appears to be in real trouble. 

Hundreds of Island Bay residents have repeatedly gone without water for long periods in recent days after an old water main burst and a broken wastewater pipe at Moa Point on the south coast last month has trucks hauling a million litres of sludge to the landfill every day.

Wellington City Council Mayor Andy Foster has called an urgent meeting for this afternoon. 

Wellington freelance journalist Ian Apperley explains to Jesse why that urgency is warranted. 

Eugene Doyle at the outlet at Ōwhiro Bay that, in recent months, has measured 30 times the level of fecal contamination considered safe to swim.

Eugene Doyle at the outlet at Ōwhiro Bay that, in recent months, has measured 30 times the level of fecal contamination considered safe to swim. Photo: RNZ / Rachel Thomas

1:27 Smart watering in drought conditions 

Our immediate response to water use in drought conditions is to immediately reduce how much we're using. This includes cutting out the watering of lawns and gardens. 

But South Australia Water's Greg Ingleton has been conducting research into what he refers to as "smart watering". The process is based on research he's conducted on how if you target your watering and use misting techniques you can reduce air temperatures which can help hugely in dry conditions. 

No caption

Photo: SA Water

Logo of Nga Taonga Sound & Vision

Photo: Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision

1:34 Ngā Taonga Sound Archives - international recognition for WWII sound recordings

New Zealand sound recordings made 80 years ago in the thick of World War II have been recognised as taonga of significant cultural value, On Monday the 1600 discs were entered in UNESCO's "Memory of the World " Register, at a ceremony in Wellington.  

Sarah Johnston from Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision is here to tells us more about the WWII Mobile Broadcasting Unit recordings  - and why they are so important.

Correction in script: Those messages were sent back to New Zealand - on the discs - and then compiled into a weekly radio show called 'With the Boys Overseas" - This job was undertaken by a young broadcaster Peter (not Gordon, as referenced) Harcourt - father of actor Miranda Harcourt. In later life, he was interviewed about his long career in radio and he remembered the terrible strain that came with this job.​


1:50 Jury finishes first day of deliberations in Weinstein trial 


The jury in the trial of Harvey Weinstein has just finished the first day of its deliberations. Weinstein is on trial for two charges of predatory sexual assault. 

While only the cases of two claimants are being held, many other women have come forward through the running of the trial, some as witnesses. 

Our US correspondent Nick Harper has been covering the trial. 

Harvey Weinstein leaves the New York Supreme Court  after the first day of his trial on charges of sexual assault.

Harvey Weinstein leaves the New York Supreme Court after the first day of his trial on charges of sexual assault. Photo: AFP

2.10 Podcast Picks - Katy Atkin

Katy reviews First up it's Fiasco - Season 2 and Down the Hill - The Delphi Murders. More top picks from Katy can be found here. 

2:20 Bookmarks with Moana Maniapoto

Moana Maniapoto is getting ready to perform this weekend at Splore this weekend, she also hosts a weekly current affairs show on Māori Television Te Ao With Moana, and is about to release a new album and has been working on a second series of  the highly acclaimed doco-series The Negotiators.

She joins us to talk about the books, music, and visual story telling that inspire and influence her.

Moana Maniapoto

Moana Maniapoto Photo: Supplied by www.moananz.com

3:10 Dr Azra Raza; We can do better with cancer treatment

Cancer treatment is an embarrassment, based on a slash, burn and poison approach that's failed patients for the last 50 years. That's the brutal assessment made by oncologist Dr Azra Raza. She says too much money is being poured into expensive and ineffective treatment when it should be spent on prevention and early detection. She shares her journey as a doctor and wife of a cancer patient and how we can do better in her book, The First Cell: And The Human Costs of Pursuing Cancer to The Last.

Illustration of cancer cells

Photo: 123rf

3:35 Stories from Our Changing World. What we do during an earthquake & why it matters

Official advice in an earthquake quake is to 'drop, cover, hold.' But is this what we actually do? And what happens if we do something else? These questions interest GNS Science social scientist David Johnston, who is Director of the Joint Centre for Disaster Research at Massey University. He talks with Alison Ballance about the unpredictability of human behaviour during disasters and its consequences.

3:45 The Pre-Panel Story of the Day 

4:05 The Panel with Michelle Boag and Shane Te Pou