1:10 First song: Olivia Foa'i

She's a vocalist and a dancer and from the very talented musical Foa'i family (of Te Vaka fame) -  but it was as the voice of Moana on the Disney movie soundtrack that cast Olivia Foa'i into the spotlight. It gave her the impetus to embark on a solo career and last week she released her debut album Candid. She's  in our Auckland studio today for First Song.

Olivia Foa'i - RNZ First Song

Olivia Foa'i - RNZ First Song Photo: Andre Upston

1:17 End of life patients being sent to rest homes

Increased pressure on hospitals and hospices around the country is leading to more end of life patients being sent to aged care rest homes for their final months. Researchers at Otago University have found that the facilities are not well equipped to cope with the specialist needs of those patients who are, in some cases, not elderly either. Associate Professor Eileen McKinley explains to Jesse what's been happening and what changes are necessary.

Associate professor Eileen McKinlay

Associate professor Eileen McKinlay Photo: Otago University Wellington

1:27 Killjoy: True crime with a twist

Currently playing on Fridays on RNZ's Nights programme, the Killjoy podcast series follows Amy Upbright, a plucky journalist from Chicago who comes to New Zealand to investigate the 1987 murder of former beauty queen Joy Ford. But there's a twist. Laura Robinson, who co-wrote and co-directed the podcast, joins Jesse from the Wellington studio to talk about the creation of Killjoy.

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Photo: KILLJOY episode 3


1:34 Alison Ballance on the ice continent

Our Changing World and Elemental podcast presenter Alison Ballance is in Antarctica for the next fortnight. She talks to Jesse about what she's going to be doing while on the ice continent and living at Scott Base.

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Photo: Supplied / Antarctica NZ

1:40 Great album: David Bowie Space Oddity

Celebrating fifty years of Space Oddity.

David Bowie

David Bowie Photo: Wiki commons

2:10 Music Critic: Dianne Swann

Dianne Swann is in to tell us about Micheal Kiwanuka and to play a couple of tracks from his third album Kiwanuka.

2:25 NZ Biography: Douglas Lilburn

He's been described as "the father of New Zealand composition" Douglas Lilburn was a composer, conductor, critic and teacher who's work earned him our highest award - the Order of New Zealand. 

He taught many of the country's leading composers and was a central player in the Kiwi arts scene. 

Composer Philip Norman charted his legacy in the book Douglas Lilburn: His life and music and is here today for our biography segment.

Douglas Lilburn

Douglas Lilburn Photo: Alexander Turnbull Library

3:10 Link 3

3:15 Your Finances with Mary Holm

Financial author and journalist Mary Holm answers more of your questions today about KiwiSaver and takes a further look at why some people have not joined.

The Government has canned the $1000 KiwiSaver kickstart programme.

The Government has canned the $1000 KiwiSaver kickstart programme. Photo: 123RF

3:35 Spoken Feature BBC Witness

3:45 The Pre-Panel Story of the Day and One Quick Question

4:05 The Panel with Cindy Mitchener and Chris Wikaira