Afternoons for Thursday 10 October 2019
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1:10 First song
1:17 Raising awareness of pekapeka's plight
This Halloween an exhibition dedicated to our only native land mammal, pekapeka tou roa - the long-tailed bat - opens.
It's part of a project to radio-track the species to find out more about them - where they roost, how they breed and whether kauri dieback is affecting them.
Bat woman Sophie Barclay from Community Waitākere Charitable Trust is here to tell us all about the little creatures and how to save them from danger.
1:27 Kotahi rau Pukapuka: Harry Potter translated in Te Reo Māori
Many Kiwis are taking up the various opportunities to learn Te Reo Māori in their community, or perhaps send their kids to Kura Kaupapa schools.
But when you get home and sit down to read, all those words and phrases you just learnt often fly right out of your head. Wouldn't it be great to be able to pick up a book you know and love, written in Te Reo?
Yesterday the Prime Minister launched an initiative to publish 100 books in the language, and the first book is one known around the world - Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Leon Blake did the mahi of translating the story, and is here to tell us more.
On stage: Pānia Papa (speaking),Witi Ihimaera, Michael Steed, Haare Williams, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Miriama Kamo. Photo: Supplied / Miriama Kamo
1:34 Sir Jonathon Porritt: Universities and climate change
We're in the midst of a climate emergency and individuals, organisations - and universities - are all trying to figure out how to create a sustainable world.
Renowned British environmentalist Sir Jonathon Porritt is in the country to deliver a keynote address at the University of Auckland, about tertiary education's role at this critical time. Sir Jonathon's in studio with me now.
Sir Jonathon Porritt Photo: Supplied
1:40 Great album: The Who - Quadrophenia
2:10 Music Critic: Colin Morris
Music Critic Colin Morris features for us today tracks from The Gloaming and Kris Kristofferson
2:25 NZ Biography: Michael King
Today's biography is on a man who himself was a biographer of some this country's most celebrated people, as well as a hugely respected historian, Michael King.
Biographer Joanne Drayton tells us about the life and legacy of one of our best selling authors. Joanne is currently the writer in residence at the Michael King Writers Centre and she say's he has inspired and influenced her greatly as writer.
Photo: Alexander Turnbull Library, PAColl-6458-2-16
3:10 Link 3
3:15 Solving the World's Problems
Hawke's Bay farmer Steve Wyn-Harris addresses why farmers - and actually most of the world - are in "blue funk". He also discusses a recent survey which found that city dwellers are pretty fond of their rural neighbours.
3:35 Echoes from History: Climate Change Protest and the Prohibition Movement
NZ has seen a series of Climate Change Protests over the past year. The momentum is building and protests are becoming more intense. Has NZ seen a similar movement in the past?
While there have been many significant protest movements in our history, historian Grant Morris argues that the most similar one is the Prohibition movement of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
3:45 The Pre-Panel Story of the Day and One Quick Question
4:05 The Panel with Mihingarangi Forbes and Eli Matthewson