Afternoons for Friday 14 October 2016
1:10 First song - Alexandra Leaving
Life-long unionist, Helen Kelly, died this morning aged 52. Helen spoke with Jesse in October 2014, about her influences and her life. And she chose Alexandra Leaving by Sharon Robinson, to play on the programme.
Helen Kelly, life-long unionist, has died aged 52. Photo: RNZ/Rebekah Parsons-King
1:15 The Atheist Minister
The Reverend Gretta Vosper is a minister, author... and an atheist, and she's fighting expulsion from the church for her views. She declared herself an atheist three years ago, and her own congregation in West Hill Toronto strongly supported her drive for a church where atheists are welcome. But the United Church of Canada, has deemed her 'not suitable to continue in ordained ministry'. Gretta is the author of the bestselling book, With or Without God; Why The Way We Live is More Important than What We Believe. And she believes that faith must undergo radical change, or the church as we know it, will face extinction.
The Reverend Gretta Vosper is a minister, author, and an atheist. She's fighting expulsion from the church for her views. Photo: RNZ / Tracy Neal
Ace Lady Network Photo: supplied
1:25 The Ace Lady Network
It started as a bit of a joke between friends. The Ace Ladies Network was the brain child of Wellington marketing and events guru, Anna Dean, as an antidote to the gentlemens club.
It went from in-joke to a facebook page, to a serious network, and now has a headquarters, hosts events and discussions.
1.35 Critter of The Week
Today's critter is the elusive and enigmatic snipe, or tutukiwi. Snipe are found worldwide, but here, our three remaining species prefer the bush, to the wetlands and shorelines, of the rest of the world’s snipe species.
1:40 Favourite Album
Tom Paxton's 1964 album Ramblin' Boy.
2.10 Homework HELP Clubs
Homework HELP Clubs team up a local business, or organisation, with a local low decile school to help kids with their homework. It's about opening up more doors for our kiwi kids. And for the past two years the club has been running at a decile one primary school in Porirua, Wellington. It was started by a group of lawyers, and is set to spread across the country helping hundreds of children get ahead. Founder of the Homework HELP Clubs is lawyer Stacey Shortall.
2:20 Film Review with Richard Swainson
Richard reviews Bridget Jones's Baby and Captain Fantastic
2:30 NZ Live; Laura Collins and The Back Porch Blues Band
Laura Collins & The Back Porch Photo: RNZ/Rebekah Parsons-King
You can expect to hear a little BB King, a little Koko Taylor, and some Muddy Waters in this afternoon's New Zealand Live. Those are the major musical influences behind what you'll hear today from band of journeymen who have played "many juke joints" in their time. Or so their publicity states. This afternoon they are playing at the RNZ Joint in Wellington and although the individuals are involved in many projects and have played in numerous bands in the past, today, collectively, they are Laura Collins and the Back Porch Blues band.
3:10 Food: Julie Biuso answers your food questions
Julie Biuso is with us to answer any food questions you have, including how long butter and sugar should be creamed and How do you best avoid going too dark when melting sugar into caramel?
Growing Vegetables book cover Photo: New Holland
3:20 Growing Vegetables
Sarah O'Neil is on a mission to get more people to grow their own food. She grows pretty much all of her families fruit and veges on her property in Waiuku.
She's just released a book, Growing Vegetables: An easy guide for all seasons
3:35 Alex Behan talks music
Alex Behan from Music 101 talks about the VNZMA finalists
Music 101 Photo: Michael Greenfield
3:45 The Panel Pre-Show
Music played in this show
1:00pm - 4:00pm
ARTIST: Sharon Robinson
TITLE: Alexandra Leaving
COMP: Leonard Cohen, Sharon Robinson (based on a poem by Constantine P. Cavafy)
ALBUM: Ten New Songs
LIVE: Columbia
ARTIST: Tom Paxton
TITLE: Ramblin' Boy
COMP: Tom Paxton
ALBUM: Ramblin' Boy
LABEL: Elektra
ARTIST: Tom Paxton
TITLE: Last Thing On My Mind
COMP: Tom Paxton
ALBUM: Rambling Boy
LABEL: Elektra
ARTIST: Tom Paxton
TITLE: What Did You Learn In School Today
COMP: Tom Paxton
ALBUM: Rambling Boy
LABEL: Elektra
ARTIST: Laura Collins & The Back Porch Blues Band
TITLE: Nothing Like This Man
COMP: Laura Collins, Cindy Muggeridge
ALBUM: Live at VK's
LIVE: RNZ Wellington
ARTIST: Laura Collins & The Back Porch Blues Band
TITLE: Gotta serve Somebody
COMP: Bob Dylan
ALBUM: Live at VK's
LIVE: RNZ Wellington
ARTIST: Laura Collins & The Back Porch Blues Band (Wayne Mason - Vocals)
TITLE: Let the Four Winds Blow
COMP: Fats Domino, Dave Bartholomew
ALBUM: Live at VK's
LIVE: RNZ Wellington
ARTIST: Laura Collins & The Back Porch Blues Band
TITLE: Turn Me On
COMP: John D. Loudermilk
ALBUM: Live at VK's
LIVE: RNZ Wellington
ARTIST: Bob Dylan
TITLE: Make You Fell My Love
COMP: Bob Dylan
ALBUM: Time Out of Mind
LABEL: Columbia
ARTIST: Bob Dylan
TITLE: Desolation Row
COMP: Bob Dylan
ALBUM: Highway 61 Revisited
LABEL: Columbia