Afternoons for Thursday 28 July 2016
1:10 First song
1.15 The War For Auckland
The Spinoff is at war, over Auckland. Why? it says the housing crisis has forced our most vulnerable onto benches and into cars and garages, and left hundreds of thousands more living in sub-standard accommodation, with no prospect of ever owning an adequate home in the city they grew up in.
And it says the greatest need and opportunity is a massive increase in the quantity of good, warm, dependable and affordable housing, served by fast and efficient public transport and within its current footprint.
Toby Manhire joins us to explain.
1.25 Mysterious Whale Discovery
A mysterious new breed of whale has been discovered, after washing up on an Alaskan shore. A whale corpse, more than seven metres-long, was discovered in 2014 and has helped researchers identify the new species. It's believed the species lives in the in the Bering Sea between Japan and Alaska. Phillip Morin, is a molecular geneticist, at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Southwest Fisheries Science Center.
1:35 From Puppet shows to film costumes
Young Gisborne woman, Brighde Penn has been sewing for as long as she can remember. As a child she would make dresses and puppets for her own puppet shows.
After training as a costume maker at Toi Whakaari, the New Zealand Drama school, she is now heading to Britain to do a masters in costume design at the prestigious Royal Welsh College of music and drama.
1:40 Favourite album:
2:10 Theatre Critic
Dione Joseph reviews the Auckland Theatre Company's production of The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time.
2:20 Geoffonomics: The Economics of Cannabis
A recent Official Information Act request revealed some back of the envelope Treasury calculations about the legalisation of marijuana.
Economist Geoff Simmons asks if this something we should really be looking at or is it just smoke and mirrors?
3:10 Masterpieces with Mana Magazine Editor Leonie Hayden
3:25 The Expats: Liz Jones on life in Abu Dhabi
Like many kiwi's who've moved overseas, Liz Jones did it in part for the money. She lives in Abu Dhabi - the capital and the second most populous city in the United Arab Emirates, where she works at the government University.
3:45 The Panel Pre-Show