Afternoons for Tuesday 14 October 2014
1:10 Best song ever written. 'Can't You Hear Me Knocking' by the Rolling Stones, chosen by Mark Manson from Takaka.
1:20 The Critics
1. TV review - Irene Gardiner. 'True Blood' - Prime, Friday nights at 10pm. 'Blacklist' TV3, Tuesday nights at 8.30pm.
2. Books - Mary McCallum. Dried Figs by Helen Jacobs.
3 Music - Nick Atkinson. 'World Restart' Delaney Davidson. 'Demanding Blues' Hopetoun Brown.
4. Web - Steve McCabe. Ello sgrouples and matadornetwork
2:10 Otago Waka. A historic waka unearthed from Papanui Inlet on the Otago Peninsula is a ''significant find'', says Otakou runanga kaumautua Edward Ellison.
2:20 Dr Chris Reid - Portraits of patients. A Bay of Islands GP, Dr Chris Reid, has photographed virtually every patient that walked into his surgery during the past two years. He has just published a book of his work.
2:30 NZ Reading. Stuart Devenie and Perry Piercy read episode 12 of 'Landings' by Jenny Pattrick.
2:45 Feature album. Lost in Love. Air Supply.
3:10 Ginger Alden. Just before Elvis Presley died, he proposed to former beauty queen Ginger Alden. ..She was the last person to see The King alive. For 37 years, Ginger Alden said little about their relationship, and her discovery of his body in the Graceland mansion. Now she;s told the full story in a new book .."Elvis & Ginger: Elvis Presley's Fiancee and Last Love Finally Tells Her Story".
3:30 Rumble Strips - Alison Ballance. Rumble strips - or audio tactile profile markings as they're more properly known - are used on roads to let drivers know when they're veering out of their lane. Jared Thomas shows Alison Ballance how OPUS Research's audio tactile driving simulator works, and explains they've been using it to test how drivers detect various aspects of rumble strips.
Stories from Our Changing World.
3:45 The Panel Pre-Show with Jim Mora, Zara Potts, Lisa Scott and Tim Watkin.