Afternoons for Thursday 13 March 2014
1:10 Best Song Ever Written - 'Third Stone from the Sun' by Jimi Hendrix, nominated by John Collie of Christchurch
1:20 Your Place: Owaka today, the small south Otago town.
2:10 Wanganui artwork heads to outer space - Julian Priest: Julian Priest has a degree in physics, a background in communications, but this weekend will see one of his artworks blasted off into space.
The Whanganui artist has programmed one of the world's smalled satellites, measuring just four square centimetres, to tell a tragic tale of a doomed character, as he calls it, as it collects and immediately deletes data while orbiting earth. It's part of a project run by a PhD student at Cornell University in America, 199 other tiny satellites will also be on the launch, but Julian Priests will be the only one which is a work of art. His satellite is called 'The Weight of Information' and for the three it's in orbit, there will be meetings back here on earth where people can gather to delete their own personal data.
2:20 Student develops wearable technology to understand schizophrenia - Sarah Mokhtar: Sarah Mokhtar is only 24, but she's developed an astounding new smart phone app which could help people get a glimpse of life living with schizophrenia. The graduate student from Nelson created the innovation, with help from collaborators, as part of her Victoria University Masters in Design and Innovation. The app comes with a wearable scarf, littered with microphones, which gauges the user's environment and plays recorded voices through headphones, similar to that heard by someone with schizophrenia.
2:30 Reading: Our radio adaptation of the book - 'We Will Not Cease' by the New Zealand pacifist - Archibald Baxter. Bruce Phillips with part four, called 'Transport'
2:45 Feature Album - Between the Lines - Janis Ian (1975)
3.10 Hunter Safety - Simon Morton: 24 people have been accidentally killed by a gun over the past 10 years here in NZ, according to the Mountain Safety Council. Many of these deaths could have been avoided if hunters had correctly identified their target before pulling the trigger. Now the latest sensor technology may help hunters stay safe and provide a warning system if a hunter's gun is aimed at a fellow hunter. Simon Morton went bush with Hunter Safety Lab co-founder and chief executive Michael Scott and Dave Grove have come up with a way for hunters to stay safe - it's called IRIS.
3.20 Antarctica's Forgotten Hero - Veronika Meduna: Few people know of Tom Crean, an Irishman who survived three expeditions to Antarctica and served with legendary explorers Scott and Shackleton. Irish actor Aidan Dooley is about to change that.
3:30 Barbie - BBC Witness: The first Barbie doll was sold in 1959. Ruth Handler of Mattel created Barbie. She describes how it took years to convince her male colleagues that it would sell.
Barbie Doll jingle
4:06 The Panel - Jock Anderson and Sally Wenley are on The Panel: The latest on the plane, another chat about Judith Collins' conflict of interest, the blurred lines between teachers and their pupils, the advantages of good looks in a man, beyond the completely obvious; our children not getting enough exercise on their way to school, and prognostications on the rising OCR.