Afternoons for Thursday 7 February 2013
1:10 Best Song Ever Written - Rebekah Tyler of Auckland nominated Over the Rainbow by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole
1:15 Your Place - Tuakau
2:10 The Monopoly Champ - Richard Marinaccio
It's been making it's way around the Monopoly board since the 1930's, but fans of the game are not so hot on the iron anymore, and the token is going to be replaced with a cat this year. All over the world, fans of Monopoly have been voting online for a new token, and to save the traditional ones. The Iron, wheelbarrow and shoe were in the firing line.
US National Monopoly champion, Richard Marinaccio led the campaign to save the Thimble. He came third in the World Championships in 2009.
2:20 HMS Orpheus - Lady Barbara Harvey
150 years ago today, the HMS Orpheus went aground in the treacherous waters of the Manukau Bar. 259 men were on board... soldiers... tradesmen. . with an average age of 22... and most of them couldn't swim.
189 lost their lives, making the sinking of the HMS Orpheus the worst maritime Disaster in New Zealand History.
This morning descendants of the crew us, and the people who tried to help them, gathered for a big commemorative day.
Included among them is Lady Barbara Harvey. Her Great Great Grandfather was the Manukau Pilot and Harbour Master that terrible day 150 years ago.
2:30 Reading - 'Skin To Skin' explores the lives of people in cross-cultural marriages in New Zealand. Today - Ratana Walker, a Thai of Chinese extraction who married Michael, the eldest son of Ranginui and Deidre Walker.
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True TR.02 © Trinity Roots 2002 Tk 9. Little Things by Warren Maxwell, Rio Hemopo, Riki Gooch.
2:45 Feature Album - Ringo - Ringo Starr (1973)
3:10 Arts Report - Amelia Nurse discovers that Cook Islands music is alive and well in New Zealand.
3:20 On your Bike is the message from a recent Gap Filler event in Christchurch. Katy Gosset visits a workshop that aims to get more locals out and about on two wheels.
3:30 How pigeons find their way home - Alison Ballance
Put most of us in an unfamiliar place and we're instantly lost. Yet animals such as whales and godwits travel around the world and work out where they need to go without the benefit of the maps and GPS systems that we rely on.
Alison Ballance navigates her way to the University of Auckland to hear how homing pigeons might, in future, help us find our way around on distant stars.
4:06 The Panel - Rosemary MacLeod and Lindsay Dawson are on The Panel today. The the latest unemployment figures are out, and we'll talk about the meeting today to see if Novopay can be fixed. What's NZ going to be like in 2050, should our governments have four-year terms, and discussions on internet obession and the dangers of compulsive drinking.