Afternoons for Thursday 31 January 2013
1:10 Best Song Ever Written - Emma McLean nominated "Cowboy Take Me Away" by the Dixie Chicks
1:15 Your Place tour guides from Duntroon today in the Waitaki District now on the
Alps 2 Ocean cycle trail - on leg 8 thru to Oamaru.
2:10 Carrington Hospital Staff Re-union - Sue Thomson
When the grand Victorian brick Lunatic Asylum at the Whau in Mount Albert Auckland was built in 1865, it certainly looked the part. .. imposing and austere. And for more than 125 years, many stories have been told about the thousands of mental health patients who were sent there for treatment, including author Janet Frame.
There are even a few stories about ghosts said to roam the old chapel.
Carrington Psychiatric Hospital, as it became known, closed 1993 and now it's the Unitec Institute of Technology.
Psychiatric nurses who worked at Carrington decades ago will be sharing THEIR own memories at a reunion on February 9th to mark the 20th anniversary of the closing of Carrington. Sue Thomson is one of the organisers..
The Carrington Psychiatric Hospital staff reunion is on February 9 at Pump House cafe.
Email sue.thomson@ to register interest in attending.
2:20 The Mayor's Tattoo - Dale Williams
Many politicans leave office with a few battle scars... Otorohanga mayor, Dale Williams will leave office at the end of his term this year with some marks of his own.
He's just finished getting a complex tattoo on his upper arm that represents his district in the King Country.
There's ink of a kiwi from the Otorohanga Kiwi House along with a railway track for the main trunk line, the farmland surrounding the town and the outline of Mt Pirongia and more.
Dale Williams has served three terms as Mayor and will not stand for re-election in October, but his passion for the community will remain more than skin deep.
2:30 Reading - Angela Meyer continues her story 'Sea Fever'.
2:45 Feature Album - Funny Girl - Barbra Streisand
3:10 Jimi Hendrix - (ex BBC Witness)
In early 1967, the American guitarist, Jimi Hendrix, took London by storm. His flamboyant style and new ways of playing the electric guitar enthralled everyone from the Beatles to Eric Clapton. His English girlfriend, Kathy Etchingham, recalls her relationship with a man who would become a musical legend.
3:20 Missing Something - Amelia Nurse
Now another in our Missing Something series from Amelia Nurse - which looks at abilities and senses some people don't have and how it affects them. Today - "left right confusion"
3:30 Our Changing World - Ruth Beran
You may not have heard of control engineering but it crops up in lots of aspects of life. Just think cruise control in a car, and autopilot in a plane.
At the University of Auckland, Karl Stol has been supervising students James Kutia (pron. COO-tee-ah) and Keagen Sorrell, whose fourth year control engineering project was to programme a model aeroplane to follow a line.
Ruth Beran went to meet Karl Stol and his students, and Karl begins by explaining what control engineering actually is.
4:06 The Panel - Jock Anderson is back on The Panel along with Dunedin writer and ODT columnist Lisa Scott today:
The civilianising of the defence force and how well that worked, the interesting compensation decisions of The Employment Relations Authority... a regular topic. The weather, again, the bugger's muddle, to quote someone quoted this morning, that is the David Bain compensation saga, having your photo pinched on Facebook for ad campaigns, and what would you have the prisoners do? What work would suit, if work they must? Will it work or will it be too expensive?