1:10 Best Song Ever Written

Galleries of Pink Galahs by John Williamson. Chosen by Marty Island of Blenheim.

1:15 Link 3 music quiz

2:10 Lane's Emulsion

The distinctive smell of Lane's Emulsion has been specially recreated for a museum exhibition in Oamaru. A competition to re-create the odour was run and the winner was announced this week. Chloe Searle is the curator at the North Otago Museum.

2:20 Singer-songwriter Rachel Dawick

Singer-songwriter Rachel Dawick has been travelling all over the country in search of the forgotten stories of our pioneer women, in order to turn them into songs.

2:30 NZ Reading

Stepping Out by Patricia Grace from her collection of stories, Small Holes In The Silence. Read by Tanea Heke.

2:45 Feature Album

Suck It and See by the Arctic Monkeys.

3:12 Virtual World with Jules Older

Digital money savers, Zennioptical, saving on watches, and cameras.

3:33 Auckland story

Auckland Council's design champion, Ludo Campbell Reid, wants to hear from Aucklanders about how they think central Auckland could be a better place.

4:06 The Panel

Rosemary McLeod and Liz Bowen-Clewley.