Afternoons for Wednesday 18 May 2011
1:10 Best Song Ever Written
Journey of the Sorcerer by The Eagles. Chosen by Steve August from Dunedin.
1:15 Link 3 - music game
2:10 Feature stories
A growing movement around the world is something called Freecycle, an online, non-profit collection of people who give and get stuff for free. Groups are set up in local communities moderated by volunteers. It started as a way to keep usable items out of rubbish tips. Now there are more than 8 million freecyclers around the world.
Alastair Martin, an intelligence clerk for the New Zealand forces during the Vietnam War, Dr Bob Hall, an Australian military researcher, have started Operation Wandering Souls... trying to locate the bodies of Vietnam War dead, and urging Vietnam vets from Australia and New Zealand to return personal effects taken from felled Vietnamese soldiers.
2:30 Reading
Part three of The Assassin Bug, by Sue McCauley. Read by Catherine Wilkin.
2:50 Feature Album
Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings - I Learned the Hard Way.
3:12 Virtual World
Landlines, Google's Chromebook, and electronic cigarettes.
Site of the Week:
3:33 Auckland story
Auckland Zoo's Conservation Fund is used to help keep animals in their natural habitats round the world. And its reached almost one million dollars. The fund doesn't come out of the zoo's normal budget but money raised through collections and a percentage of all sales at the zoo. It's helping, amongst others, turtles, orangutans and cheetahs.
4:06 The Panel
Rosemary McLeod and David Farrar.