Afternoons for Tuesday 14 September 2010
1:10 Best Song Ever Written
Bruce Springsteen's My City of Ruins as chosen by James Brookman of Clevedon.
1:15 Critical Mass
1. Online - Ele Ludemann
Those two blogs tend towards the gourmet end of the cooking spectrum, All Kiwis Can Cook aims to teach people the basics.
2. TV Sarah McMullen
Rivers - Prime TV
Sundays 7.30pm
Hosted by Craig Potton
The Spin Crowd - E!
Tuesdays 10pm
Big Love - TV1
Wednesdays 11pm
Feedback - TV2
Wednesday 11pm
4. Music - Nick Atkinson
I Know The Lord Will Make A Way by Three Houses Down
The Unfaithful Ways by Julia Deans
3. Books - Vanda Symon
Saints of New York by RJ Ellory
Mastering the Art of Self-Sufficiency in New Zealand by Carolann Murray.
2:10 Feature stories
In a sure sign of spring, the godwits are due to return to New Zealand from Alaska. A celebration of the epic 11 thousand 500 kilometer non-stop flight this weekend went ahead without the bar-tailed godwit when they failed to show up. About 3000 of these amazing birds will spend their summer in Motueka and should be arriving in the next few weeks.
She can whip up a batch of lemon curd tarts, and nothing comes out of a box. She embroiders tiny violets on hand-made baby booties and recycles material from a by-gone era. Melissa Wastney has a huge online following. is dedicated to traditional home crafts and about 4 thousand people from around the world visit her blog every day to see what Melissa's making now
2:30 Reading
Mick Rose reads episode two of The Distant Man by Carl Nixon.
2:45 He Rourou
A stalwart in the Wellington community, Topsy Ratahi did so much work with young Maori in the city, she was recognised with a couple of gongs and a civic award from the City Council. In an archival interview with Wena Tait, Topsy Ratahi explains the highs and lows of working with urbanised Maori in the 1990s.
2:50 Feature Album
This Is My Truth Tell Me Yours, the fifth album by Welsh band Manic Street Preachers from 1998.
3:12 Tune Your Engine
The symptoms can begin slowly: words on a page become blurry or crowded. Straight lines start to look wavy. These are the warning signs of Macular Degeneration or MD. It's the leading cause of blindness in New Zealanders over the age of 50. Every year in New Zealand, 800 people are told they have this disease, that can rob them of their eyesight if left untreated.
3:33 Asian Report
Producer Sonia Yee meets Sydney-based Japanese musician Satsuki Odamura who was invited to Wellington last weekend by the Japanese Embassy to perform at the Festival of Japan.
4:06 The Panel
Amanda Millar and Graham Bell.