16 May 2020

Refurbishment work brought forward in Cooks

11:31 am on 16 May 2020

The Cook Islands Investment Corporation is bringing forward the refurbishment of government buildings for much needed work.

The Cook Islands News reports the agency wants to create employment for those who have lost jobs due to the Covid-19 crisis.

The corporation's facility development manager, Anne Taoro, said the employment for up to six months would be available for builders, carpenters and labourers.

Two builders in yellow and orange at the construction site

Photo: 123RF

Anne Taoro said they would carry out maintenance and refurbishment work on the 16 buildings that the corporation oversees, including the National Auditorium.

"Given the Covid-19 situation, we are going to bring forward some of the works that were scheduled to be done in the next 12 months. This is just to create some employment but only short term."