15 Feb 2020

A keyboard that shoots lightning? - John Psathas talks about CubaSonic

From Sound Lounge, 9:30 pm on 15 February 2020

Cubasonic: a mass musical disruption coming to the capital

A mass musical disruption is coming to the Capital as part of the CubaDupa festival next month.

500 musicians will line Cuba Street from one end to the other and perform an original score by Wellington composer John Psathas.

Add in a sound system across multiple city blocks and a locally-invented Tesla coil that can be played like a keyboard and shoots lightning into its surrounding and you've got Cubasonic.

Lynn's guests are John Psathas and CubaDupa director Gerry Paul. CubaDupa is on March 28 and 29 in Wellington.

Inspired by extravagant fireworks at the Beijing Olympics, John says he wanted to create something huge over the whole CubaDupa area where no two people are going to have the same experience.

"Wherever you're standing it's a totally unique configuration of elements, but you'll be aware that it's happening across this vast part of the site."

About the Tesla coil keyboard, which John will play live, he says:

"It's an incredible instrument, but it comes with health and safety requirements."