Pablo Ziegler with the Bravo Ensemble and Orchestra Wellington
From Buenos Aires, Ziegler began playing jazz at the age of 14. He studied classical performance and later began arranging classical music for jazz trio, before joining Piazzolla’s Nuevo Tango Quintet in 1978. Since Piazzolla’s retirement, Ziegler has continued to play in the Nuevo Tango genre, which incorporates tango, elements of classical music and aspects of jazz improvisation.
In this performance at the Wellington Jazz Festival, Ziegler leads musicians from two Wellington ensembles, the tango group Bravo Ensemble and Orchestra Wellington.
Image: Pablo Ziegler rehearsing at Wellington Opera House. Photo: RNZ
Pablo Ziegler, Bravo Ensemble, Orchestra Wellington
ZIEGLER: Asfalto; PIAZZOLLA: Introduccion al angel; PIAZZOLLA: Imagenes 676; COBIAN/ CADICAMO: Nostalgias; PIAZZOLLA: Otoño Porteño; ZIEGLER: Milonga en el viento; ZIEGLER: El Empedrado; COBIAN/ CADICAMO: Nieblas del riachuelo; PIAZZOLLA: Oblivion; PIAZZOLLA: Fuga y misterio; PIAZZOLLA: Libertango; PIAZZOLLA: Fugata ; PIAZZOLLA: Ovlivion; PIAZZOLLA: Libertango; ZIEGLER: La Rayuela
Recorded in the Wellington Opera House by Radio New Zealand Concert