9 Jun 2013

90 day ban on synthetic drugs in NSW

12:38 pm on 9 June 2013

The state government in New South Wales is banning the sale of several synthetic drugs for 90 days following the death of a student.

Synthetic drugs have come under scrutiny since Henry Kwan, 17, jumped off a balcony on Wednesday while under the influence of a drug that mimics LSD.

The ABC reports the ban applies to a range of drugs that mimic the effects of illegal drugs like cannabis, cocaine and methamphetamine.

NSW Minister for Fair Trading Anthony Roberts said retailers have until Tuesday to clear their shelves of synthetic drugs or face fines of up to $1.1 million.

"Retailers are on notice now," he said. "It is not acceptable for you to continue selling these products that cause harm."

Mr Roberts said a record number of officers will be deployed to enforce the ban.