17 Nov 2014

Police seek answers after deadly fire

8:23 am on 17 November 2014

Investigators will be back at a Hamilton house this morning to try to determine the cause of a deadly blaze, Radio New Zealand reports.

Three people - believed to be aged 17, 19 and 25 - died when fire engulfed a large, old villa on Collingwood Street after a party there, in the early hours of Saturday morning.

The bodies were removed yesterday and post-mortems were due to be carried out today.

Police said the fire was very intense and dental records, jewellery and other clues may be needed to formally identify the victims.

Four people escaped safely by breaking and climbing out of windows.

Police said the second storey of the house would be strengthened today so forensic examiners could begin an investigation into what caused the fire.

They said the examination was expected to take several days.

Police still had not spoken to everyone who was at the party at the property on Friday night and they wanted those people to come forward.

They also wanted any photos and videos taken at the party and any information on a fight that broke out.