Maori health and wellbeing organisation Te Ora o Manukau says young upcoming Maori leaders are feeling inspired following a leadership hui by two veteran Maori politicians.
The organisation hosted Labour list MP Shane Jones and Mana Party leader and MP Hone Harawira at its annual general meeting this week.
Papakura Marae chief executive and Te Ora o Manukau member Tony Kake says the young Maori who attended were impressed, in particular, by the human aspect of the MPs' presentations.
Both encouraged upcoming Maori leaders to get involved in politics, whether at a community board level or in local government.
Mr Kake says the MPs were upfront and honest, warning young Maori that if they want to pursue a political life, they must be prepared to be scrutinised by voters.
He says this means ensuring there are no skeletons in the closet that could potentially harm their credibility.