The planned co-management of 11 volcanic cones in Auckland has moved a step closer, with talks taking place between the council, the Crown and a collective of a dozen iwi and hapu.
Nga Mana Whenua o Tamaki Makaurau, or the Tamaki Collective, has already signed a framework Treaty of Waitangi agreement, which will return the cones - including One Tree Hill - to Maori.
Buoyed by another claim settlement last Friday, the Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Chris Finlayson says talks with the Tamaki Collective are going well.
Mr Finlayson says he's presented the proposal for co-governance of the volcanic cones to Auckland Council.
He says the council is now working with the collective and the Crown on developing a joint management proposal.
Mr Finlayson says without putting a date on it, he's optimistic there's going to be a very good settlement in the not-too-distant future.