19 Aug 2011

Kohanga Reo Trust Board got fair hearing - lawyer

6:04 am on 19 August 2011

A lawyer representing the Kohanga Reo Trust Board says she's satisfied her clients received a fair Waitangi Tribunal hearing in Wellington.

The board has spent the past two days giving evidence on why it wants the tribunal to urgently hear its concerns about a government report on how to improve the running of kohanga.

The trust's concerns were lodged under urgency because of a report by the Government's early childhood taskforce, which the Kohanga Reo movement says threatens its survival.

The trust says it doesn't want rules governing mainstream early childhood centres imposed on kohanga.

The Crown is opposing the request for an urgent hearing saying although it's important it doesn't warrant immediate action.

Constitutional lawyer Mai Chen says the tribunal will consider the evidence once all submissions are handed in next Thursday.

She says the matter is now in the tribunal's hands but she says the trust received a fair hearing.