The Maraeroa Marae Health Clinic in Porirua is welcoming new standards for state housing, but says it would be better if old homes were just replaced.
A trial of a new warrant of fitness scheme for Housing New Zealand properties began in Porirua on Tuesday - with homes being inspected for insulation, safety and basic facilities.
The Maraeroa Clinic says it works with a lot of whanau who are living in cold and damp state housing.
General manager Missy McLean welcomes the initiative, but says there is a better solution. She says much of the state housing stock in Porirua is old and past its use-by date.
Ms McLean says the ideal outcome would be to have all that stock replaced by new homes which are safe and insulated.
She says damp and cold state-housing is affecting the health of tamariki and kaumatua.
Ms McLean says it is sad when statistics continue to show that Maori people are suffering when it comes to their health and safety in the homes.
She says it is great to see something is being done about the problems and hopes the scheme will result in better health outcomes for whanau.