Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Tupoho in Whanganui will begin Maori language classes for adults to enable parents to support their tamariki through schooling.
Photo: RNZ
The kura has just opened a Maori immersion early childhood education centre, Te Kopae Reo, on its school campus.
Parents who wish to send their children to Te Kopae Reo must promise to keep them at Tupoho for their primary and intermediate schooling too.
The tumuaki (principal) of Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Tupoho says te reo Maori lessons will also be created for parents.
Stuart Kawau says the dream is that parents who send their tamariki to Te Kopae Reo will also learn te reo Maori so they can support their children once they head into kura kaupapa.