The Ngapuhi hapu alliance is holding talks to decide how to proceed now the Government has recognised the mandate of tribal runanga-led board Tuhoronuku.
Ngapuhi runanga chair Sonny Tau said he hoped Treaty of Waitangi negotiations would be completed within the next three years, following six years of dissent among some groups within the tribe.
Alliance leaders Te Kotahitanga o nga hapu Ngapuhi met in Kawakawa on Monday afternoon.
Group co-chair Rudy Taylor told Te Manu Korihi before the meeting it was a chance to regroup.
The main issue for discussion was how Tuhoronuku could provide for Te Kotahitanga, and that would be a strong debate for hapu members from inland areas of Ngapuhi.
Mr Taylor said he was critical of the Government's decision to have one mandating body to represent the country's biggest iwi, which was made up of so many hapu.