18 Mar 2013

Kura graduates struggle with university level English

6:31 am on 18 March 2013

An education body says the lack of formal English lessons in kura kaupapa is hampering its graduates in university studies.

It will be one of many topics up for discussion at next month's hui, Tuia Te Ako, in Otaki, hosted by Ako Aotearoa.

Senior Maori development manager Ngahiwi Apanui says many students at Maori immersion schools don't start learning to write in English until Year 9.

He says while graduates are excellent students and fluent in te reo, some struggle with the high level of English needed for courses such as law.

But he says more English in kura kaupapa isn't the answer.

Mr Apanui says what's needed is strong whanau like support groups at university to help with literacy, and extra guidance at kura for those who want to enter high level tertiary studies.