The Maori Council, which has driven the water rights debate, has secured regular meetings with the Government.
The council held its quarterly hui at Waitangi this week, where members discussed topics such as freshwater and Maori Wardens' registrations.
The Supreme Court has reserved its decision on whether the Government's planned partial sale of power company shares will affect water rights for iwi.
Before Waitangi Day, the council said it aimed to challenge Prime Minister John Key over Maori water rights.
But a deputy chair of the council, Rahui Katene, says the statutory body didn't get to meet with the Government during Waitangi celebrations.
Ms Katene says the council has already started meeting regularly with Maori Affairs Minister Pita Sharples, who has agreed to meet with council co-chairs Sir Eddie Durie and Maanu Paul.
The Government also continues to hold discussions with iwi leaders - including a group devoted to dealing with freshwater issues.