4 Nov 2015

F1 intruder sentenced to jail

6:16 am on 4 November 2015

A court has sentenced a 27-year-old man to six weeks' jail for entering the circuit during the Singapore Formula One grand prix.

Singapore formula one grand prix

Singapore formula one grand prix Photo: PHOTOSPORT

British man Yogvitam Pravin Dhokia was charged with endangering the personal safety of drivers after television footage showed him strolling along the track as cars sped past.

"The accused's act was not only rash but was both selfish and foolhardy," District Judge Chay Yuen Fatt said in a brief statement on the decision.

He added that Dhokia had admitted he had wanted to film the race from the track.

"Any dangerous intrusion onto the race track can and could have resulted in disastrous and fatal consequences," Fatt said.

Dhokia's lawyer Shashi Nathan told the court his client's actions were "a childish endeavour" and he did not intend to disrupt the race or spoil the spectacle, according to Singapore's Channel NewsAsia.

Event organisers are considering tighter security for next year's race, with higher fences and more marshals.

The race was won by Ferrari's Sebastian Vettel, one of several drivers to speed past Dhokia and alert engineers via team radio.