17 Sep 2015

Thousands of hectares of trees to be planted

7:00 am on 17 September 2015

The first funding round of the Government's Afforestation Grant Scheme will result in 5819 hectares nationwide being planted in trees.

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Photo: 123rf

The scheme is a $22 million programme to help establish about 15,000ha of new forest plantations during the next six years.

Associate Primary Industries Minister Jo Goodhew said the total area applied for covered 9044ha, which far exceeded expectations.

Mrs Goodhew said the successful applications would receive support worth about $7.5 million through the scheme.

She said as a result of the new planting - which would begin during winter 2016 - the regions would have increased erosion control, water quality and less environmental impact following flooding.

The next funding round will open in April next year, for planting in winter 2017.