20 Feb 2015

Waikato police have new wheels - a tractor

2:27 pm on 20 February 2015

Waikato police have gone a little bit rural.

police tractor

Photo: SUPPLIED / Police

They've got the loan of a brand new tractor.

It's been decked out in police patrol car colours and a flashing light but it won't be taking to the road in pursuit of law breakers.

The police are planning to use it as an "a-tractor" at fieldays around the country, to help focus public attention on preventing rural crime, which can range from burglary and stock thefts to drug activity and illegal hunting, and on issues such as safety on country roads.

The tractor already has a busy schedule ahead of it. It's booked to appear at the Northland, Central Districts, South Island and National Agricultural Fieldays over coming months.