South Island farmers say they have had plenty of warning and are well prepared for the southerly blast that moved in late on Wednesday.
Widespread snow has been forecast over the next day or so, down to sea level in some areas.
It started snowing in the Tekapo area of the Mackenzie Basin on Wednesday afternoon.
A Tekapo farmer said stock have been moved so they are accessible for feeding.
Federated Farmers South Canterbury president Ivon Hurst said Canterbury farmers still have sharp memories of the last severe snow fall that knocked out communications and brought the region to a standstill in 2006 and they have been preparing for a couple of days.
He said farmers have been putting stock into shelter and getting large bales of hay and silage prepared so they can withstand the coming storm.
Along with snow showers in low lying areas, MetService meteorologist Daniel Corbett said there could be significant falls in inland Canterbury and southern Marlborough.