10 Jun 2015

High winds send containers into the sea

9:55 am on 10 June 2015

Gusts of up to 120 kilometres an hour have caused two shipping containers to topple into Wellington Harbour.

The Container on Oriental Bay

The Container on Oriental Bay. Photo: RNZ/ Tom Furley

The wild winds blew the containers off the wharf late last night.

Harbourmaster Mike Pryce said one has been secured on Oriental Bay beach.

Meanwhile, Centreport staff will this morning check to see what has happened to the second, which is thought to be partially submerged.

Mr Pryce said high winds also caused two other containers to topple onto dry land.

Three containers were also blown into Wellington Harbour in March.

Mr Pryce said damage to the sea wall from the last big earthquake in Wellington may have been a factor.

"Previously had they blown over they would have landed on that south road by the container terminal.

"A lot of that disappeared in the earthquake, so it's not there now and over the last 18 months there was big work taking place rebuilding an underwater sea wall to stop it happening again."

"And the fact that the containers are now a lot closer to the water now is probably playing a part in it."

The container at Oriental Bay last night.

The container at Oriental Bay last night. Photo: Facebook

Container Oriental Bay

Photo: RNZ/ Tom Furley

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