The Education Minister has accused Labour Party activists of being behind opposition in some primary schools to the National-led Government's policy of national standards.
Anne Tolley told the National Party's annual conference in Wellington on Saturday that only about 200 schools oppose national standards in literacy and numeracy.
Mrs Tolley says those schools opposed to the standards have put politics ahead of the interests of their children.
"There's no doubt there are some Labour activists that are very, very determined to, first of all bring me down because I was the minister that introduced them, but also to I think sacrifice their students and their school for a political point."
And she says by refusing to recognise the standards the schools are breaking the law.
She is particularly critical of opposition from the primary teachers' union, the New Zealand Educational Institute, describing its campaign as "stupid".
Mrs Tolley says the Government will intervene to ensure national standards are introduced in all schools.
She says that will include appointing advisers to work at those schools which have refused so far to introduce the standards.