1 Apr 2010

Carter in conflict of interest over river changes - Greens

6:59 pm on 1 April 2010

The Green Party has raised further questions in Parliament about how Agriculture Minister David Carter may benefit from changes to the rules concerning river protection in Canterbury.

The Greens say Mr Carter, whose farm takes water from Canterbury's Hurunui River, should have declared a conflict of interest.

The river is being considered for a dam and irrigation project but opponents want it protected.

Mr Carter says the project would not have any impact on his farm because he does not intend to apply for more water.

But Greens co-leader Russel Norman says irrigation on Mr Carter's farm has to stop if the river flow is below a certain level, and the irrigation project would maintain the flow above the required level.

Prime Minister John Key says he is satisfied Mr Carter did not need to raise any potential or perceived conflicts of interest over changes to Canterbury regional council.

Mr Key says Mr Carter is not a decision-maker on what happens to the river.