1 Mar 2010

MP seeks Foreshore and Seabed replacement views

6:40 am on 1 March 2010

Taitokerau MP Hone Harawira is on the road gauging Maori opinion on replacing the Foreshore and Seabed Act, despite there being no clear alternative on the table.

Waatea News reports a group chosen by the Iwi Leaders Forum and a small group of Crown officials are working on a proposal for Attorney-General Chris Finlayson to take to Cabinet.

A fellow Maori Party MP, Te Ururoa Flavell, has backed the process, and said the party believes an effective solution can come only out of meaningful engagement between the Crown and iwi and hapu.

But Mr Harawira says he's not waiting and is looking for support for his idea of replacing Crown ownership with Maori or tupuna title.

He says a hui on Friday at Dargaville was the first of what he expects will be 40 nationwide.