Labour Party leader David Cunliffe says the Internet-Mana alliance will not be part of a Labour-led Government.
In the past, Mr Cunliffe has said it would be highly unlikely that Internet-Mana MPs would be ministers in a Government that he leads if elected on 20 September.
Labour leader David Cunliffe. Photo: RNZ / Diego Opatowski
In July, he said that it was extremely unlikely that the leaders of the Mana and Internet parties, Hone Harawira and Laila Harre, would get Cabinet posts under a Government he led.
He then said it would be highly unlikely that any Internet Mana MPs would be in a Labour-led executive, either in or outside the Cabinet.
On Tuesday he took that a step further, saying Internet-Mana would not be part of a Government that he leads. However, that still leaves the door open to a confidence and supply agreement.
Mr Cunliffe was asked whether he agreed with one of his candidate's criticisms of Internet Party founder and entrepreneur Kim Dotcom.
"Look, we don't hold a candle for Kim Dotcom. Kim Dotcom has been a donor to ACT candidates in the past, he's not associated with the Labour Party, and I've made clear that there won't be Internet-Mana in a Government that I lead."
Campaign team reigned in
David Cunliffe said a dispute in the Te Tai Tokerau electorate between its candidate, Kelvin Davis, and the Internet Mana party is understandable, but doesn't fit its campaigning.
Kelvin Davis. Photo: LABOUR PARTY
On Monday night, TV3 reported emails containing plans by Mr Davis' campaign team for a website against Internet Mana, which would have included criticising Kim Dotcom as a fake.
But the Labour Party's head office has asked Mr Davis' team to stop the campaign.
Mr Cunliffe said he understood a local candidate venting a few frustrations. He said Labour's head office had given guidance to the Te Tai Tokerau campaign team to keep to Labour's 'Vote Positive' slogan for the election campaign.