27 Dec 2011

NZ Government office 'not compromised' by hacking

1:35 pm on 27 December 2011

The Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet is confident its systems have not been compromised by the security think tank it subscribes to having been hacked.

A group of activists claim to have hacked US-based intelligence company Stratfor and stolen personal information from its clients.

The hackers claim Stratfor's more than 4000 clients include the US Defence Department, Microsoft, New Zealand Police, New Zealand Fire Service and Air New Zealand.

A spokesperson for the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Rob Mackie, says it's confident no information's at risk.

Technology commentator Colin Jackson says that, at worst, the hackers may have the department's credit card number.

He says the bigger concern is whether Stratfor is worth subscribing to, considering they were unable to keep their own information secure.