A High Court judge has reserved his decision in the defamation case between the former leader of the Conservative Party and the blogger Cameron Slater.
Former Conservative Party leader Colin Craig Photo: RNZ / Edward Gay
Mr Craig is suing Mr Slater for posts he made on his Whale Oil blog about Mr Craig and his relationship with his press secretary, Rachel MacGregor.
Mr Slater is counter-suing Mr Craig for statements made in a leaflet sent out to 1.6 million households around the country.
Justice Toogood said it would take him some time to deliver his judgement.
Whale Oil blogger Cameron Slater Photo: Supplied
Mr Craig finished closing his case today, in which he alleges Mr Slater was part of a conspiracy to remove him as leader.
One of the defences Mr Slater has claimed is qualified privilege as a journalist.
Mr Craig said privilege was to facilitate public discussion.
Justice Toogood said Mr Slater had nothing to gain by Mr Craig standing down, and asked if Mr Slater's motivation in writing the posts had any relevance to the case.