15 Mar 2016

Community service for Brownlee muck thrower

7:36 pm on 15 March 2016

A man who threw sludge at Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee has been sentenced to 80 hours of community service.

Christchurch quake anniversary.

Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee, centre, at the service marking the fifth anniversary of the February 2011 earthquake in Christchurch. Photo: RNZ / Alexander Robertson

Greymouth man John Howland, 41, threw the mixture of vinegar, flour, eggs and chocolate at the minister on 22 February, following the earthquake anniversary ceremony.

John Howland

John Howland Photo: RNZ / Sally Murphy

He said he did so because his 14-year-old son, Jayden Andrews-Howland, died in the February 2011 earthquake, and Mr Brownlee had shown no remorse to the victim's families.

Howland pleaded guilty to one charge of assault last month, and was remanded on bail with the provision that restorative justice would take place.

Mr Brownlee declined to participate in restorative justice, and no victim impact statement was supplied to the court.

Judge Garry MacAskill took into account Howland's early guilty plea, but said he came prepared to carry out the assault.

Judge MacAskill sentenced him to serve 80 hours of community work.

Mr Brownlee said he did not want to comment on the case, as it would breach a long-held convention that Members of Parliament did not comment on judicial matters.