23 Feb 2010

Iwi involvement key in tertiary success - researchers

9:03 am on 23 February 2010

Two Canterbury University researchers believe they have identified ways tertiary education can be made to work for Maori.

Janinka Greenwood and Lynne-Harata Te Aika looked at initiatives such as Northtec's social work training, Tairawhiti Polytechnic's Toihoukura art school and the bilingual education course at Canterbury University.

Ms Te Aika says their report, Hei Tauira, identifies several principles, including the integration of tikanga Maori into the content and style of the programme, strong leadership, mutual respect and the deliberate removal of barriers to study.

"The most successful programmes were those where the iwi were totally involved from the start in the design and delivery of programming," she told Waatea News.

"There was more community buy-in, there was a stronger support and ownership from the wider community."

Hei Tauira is available through the National Centre for Tertiary Teaching Excellence, Ako Aotearoa.