The Maori King has told his son his actions are unacceptable and he has to buck up his ideas.
Korotangi Paki, 18, pleaded guilty to two burglary charges and one charge of theft from a car in the Auckland District Court on Monday. He will be sentenced in July.
The King's spokesperson Tukoroirangi Morgan says the King and his family have had intense discussions with Paki about his behaviour.
"Occasionally, children go off the rails, and that is something as a family they have talked long and hard about, in terms of how he must behave and he must try to restore the faith that is expected of somone like Korotangi, as the son of the King."
He says Kingi Tuheitia expects his son to face the full weight of the law, like any other young person who appears before the court.
Mr Morgan also says Korotangi Paki will undertake a kaupapa Maori restorative plan.
Social justice advocate and Green Party candidate Marama Davidson says the conviction is embarrassing for the Maori King, Tuheitia, and his whanau.
But she says it is not damaging for the King movement.
"What I do support is that they've picked up a restorative justice process and calling for true accountablility in correcting and healing the harm done."