Green Party co-leader Russel Norman believes it is going to make history this election by getting more than 10% of the party vote.
Dr Norman says after 12 years in Parliament, the Green Party is ready to take on a bigger role that reflects its status as the third largest party.
[image:3641:full]The party launched its election campaign on Wellington's waterfront on Sunday afternoon and is buoyed by recent polls putting it at or near 10% of the party vote.
Dr Norman says he is confident that more than 1 in 10 New Zealanders will get out and vote Green on 26 November, adding that it is important that they do for the sake of people and the planet.
The Greens announced a proposal for a public KiwiSaver provider which it believes would save people who use the scheme tens of thousands of dollars.
Dr Norman says a significant proportion of New Zealand savings get eaten away by fees and costs, and by offering a public KiwiSaver option these costs will be sizeably reduced.
"Assuming a 40 percent savings in fees over the lifetime of a typical KiwiSaver, this can result in a much bigger nest egg on retirement of up to $140,000 after those savings are re-invested. Lower costs and fees lead to a bigger nest egg at the end."
Dr Norman says the public fund would be managed by the Guardians of the New Zealand Superannuation Fund, while Kiwibank or the Inland Revenue Department would provide front-end management.
He says the recommendation for a single default provider was made by the Savings Working Group earlier this year, and the Australian government has announced similar changes.
Russel Norman says the Greens are ready to make good, green change with whichever party leads the next government after the election.
Senior party members also attended the Rod Donald memorial lecture in Christchurch on Sunday evening, marking the sixth anniversary of the death of its former co-leader.