The Green Party says it would scrap national standards in primary schools in its education election policy announced on Thursday.
The Greens say the standards for numeracy and literacy are flawed and should not have been been forced on schools.
[image:3584:third:right]Greens education spokesperson Catherine Delahunty says the party supports the thousands of parents, teachers and schools who have registered their opposition to the standards in reading, writing and maths.
Ms Delahunty told Radio New Zealand they are unnecessary, because schools already have robust assessment and reporting mechanisms in place.
"What we need to do is support the roll-out of the great New Zealand curriculum, provide a lot more support for teachers to do their job effectively and not use a system that's failed overseas that tells us nothing about how to help our kids."
Catherine Delahunty says the Green Party would also re-prioritise funding in the education sector which would include restoring full funding for qualified teachers at early childhood education centres.
The party would also rule out the use of public-private partnerships in the school sector, she says.