
The journalist and food campaigner Michael Pollan's latest book 'Cooked' celebrates the joys and rewards of cooking.

Back pain

A discovery that could revolutionise the treatment of chronic back pain, helping millions of sufferers worldwide. Dr Hanne Albert from the University of Southern Denmark says treatment with antibiotics is the key to effective pain relief.

Marketing marijuana

Jenny Kleeman is a journalist, writer and documentary maker who's just been in Colorado looking at the state's sophisticated marijuana industry.

Naked Science: itching, cockroaches and avatars

Dr Chris Smith beams in with the latest science news. This week, the discovery of the 'itching pathway', how cockroaches have evolved to avoid traps, and using avatars to treat schizophrenia.


Millions of people across the South Pacific and the rest of the world have relied on the coconut as a major source of nutrition for thousands of years. But there are fears the genetic diversity of the coconut is under threat, making it more susceptible to diseases in the future. Mike Foale of the University of Queensland studies coconuts and their genetics.