Voice and strength study

Aaron Sell of the University of California in Santa Barbara is looking at what your voice says about you, specifically how strong you are.

Foraging: geraniums

We're foraging for geraniums (aka pelargoniums) with Johanna Knox.

Dental anaesthetics

Lisa Wilson of Chemical and Engineering News has been finding out what goes into those dental anaesthetics that make you comfortably numb before the dentist gets his drill out.

Dutch football: David Winner

David Winner, the author of 'Brilliant Orange: The Neurotic Genius of Dutch Soccer', with his thoughts on the Netherlands' 1-0 defeat to Spain in the World Cup Final.

A global history of cake

Nicola Humble's been looking at when, how and why cake's become a food that shouts out 'celebration'.

Mekong Part 5: Vietnam

The final part of our 5,000 km odyssey down the Mekong River in South East Asia. This week, NPR's Michael Sullivan ends his journey at the mouth of the river in Vietnam.

Bumpology: learning and sleep

Bumpologist Linda Geddes is looking at how much babies hear and remember in the womb. Plus sleeping- why does it always seem like they wake up just as you're going to bed?!