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The Panel for Tuesday 14 May 2019
Story of the Day for 14 May 2019
3:46 PM.Doris Day - real name Doris Mary Ann Kappelhoff - was born in 1922, and was one of the most popular singers of the 20th century - as well as being very successful at the box office. Doris Day was the… Read more Audio
I've been thinking for 14 May 2019
3:55 PM.What the panelists Verity Johnson and Shane Te Pou have been thinking about. Audio
The Panel with Shane Te Pou and Verity Johnson (Part 1)
4:03 PM.The Prime MinisterJacinda Ardern is due to meet the leaders of global tech giants including google, Facebook and twitter to eliminate terrorist and violent content online, in Paris. The summit has… Read more Audio
The Panel with Shane Te Pou and Verity Johnson (Part 2)
4:05 PM.What's your favourite classic movie - and why? Fonterra is selling the Tip Top heritage band to Froneri. It's a joint venture between PAI Partners and Nestle, which is described as the third largest… Read more Audio
Christchurch Call
4:09 PM.The Prime MinisterJacinda Ardern is due to meet the leaders of global tech giants including google, Facebook and twitter to eliminate terrorist and violent content online, in Paris. The summit has… Read more Audio
Maori and Pasifika under represented in financial disputes
4:18 PM.The Government approved disputes scheme is where people that are wronged by a bank, insurer, or lender can go to have their disputes resolved. Only ten per cent of the complainants to the Banking… Read more Audio
BYO containers for Foodstuffs supermarkets
4:25 PM.Foodstuff's North Island supermarkets, Pak 'n' Save, New World and Four Square will be allowing customers to BYO containers for their seafood, bakery, deli, and butchery purchases. The company says… Read more Audio
Fonterra sells Tip Top
4:37 PM.Fonterra is selling the Tip Top heritage band to Froneri. It's a joint venture between PAI Partners and Nestle, which is described as the third largest ice cream manufacturer in the world. Tip Top was… Read more Audio
Free rides on Auckland's public transport
4:46 PM.The Auckland Council is considering making public transport free for children under 15 on weekends and public holidays. It could lift patronage by over 1 million trips a year. Audio
Go-Fund-Me campaign to build a border wall
4:49 PM.The man who started up a Go-Fund-Me campaign to raise money to build a border wall between the US and Mexico is being questioned by his donors who are wondering if it's ever going to happen, and what… Read more Audio
Munns menswear to shut shop
4:54 PM.After 100 years the Munns menswear chain is closing down. One of the reasons cited is the general move away from formal wear to casual wear. The other thing they referred to is that local shops just… Read more Audio