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The Panel for Wednesday 26 September 2018
Pre-Panel & One Quick Question for 26 September
3:45 PM.Mince, milk and electric cars. Read more Audio
Story of the day for 26 September 2018
3:51 PM.We love talking about flying so we'll let you know some new rules being considered that will actually be welcomed, plus millennials killing another tradition. Audio
The Panel with Peter Vial and Penny Ashton (Part 1)
4:03 PM.The Environment Court has given the go-ahead for the America's Cup defence in Auckland. Team New Zealand will move into the Viaduct Events Centre, building will start on the Hobson Wharf base for Luna… Read more Audio
The Panel with Peter Vial and Penny Ashton (Part 2)
4:05 PM.A voice-pitch correction device came into use in music records in the late 1990s. Some in the business see the technology as revolutionary others as a big cheat. Cher's song Believe was the first to… Read more Audio
Am Cup gets green light
4:07 PM.The Environment Court has given the go-ahead for the America's Cup defence in Auckland. Team New Zealand will move into the Viaduct Events Centre, building will start on the Hobson Wharf base for Luna… Read more Audio
Ardern:no laughing at Trump
4:14 PM.Jacinda Ardern is continuing to be a popular presence in New York this week. She was interviewed on CNN, Donald Trump personally asked after her baby Neve and she in turn remained poker-faced while… Read more Audio
Roading contractors dump hazardous bits in stream
4:25 PM.Transport Agency contractors were caught dumping rubble from road works into a stream near Whangarei.It feeds into the harbour and in or beside it were road slabs dug up from near the Oakleigh River… Read more Audio
Are you a nimby or a yimby?
4:26 PM.The need for more housing will need more people saying "yes". There's nimbyism, Not In My Backyard and there's also the more welcoming doctrine of yimbism - Yes In My Backyard. Audio
Autotune the best invention since sliced bread
4:31 PM.A voice-pitch correction device came into use in music records in the late 1990s. Some in the business see the technology as revolutionary others as a big cheat. Cher's song Believe was the first to… Read more Audio
More strife at Horowhenua District Council
4:42 PM.A Horowhenua District Councillor says he's now wearing a body-cam over fears about his safety after a verbal exchange with another councillor. This on top of conflict between the district's mayor and… Read more Audio
Bernard Hickey: petrol pain
4:47 PM.Economic commentator Bernard Hickey talks about whether the government can afford to allowing continuous fuel price-hikes. According to the Numbeo cost of living index the cost of living in New… Read more Audio
Panelists Thursday 27 September 2018
5:00 PM.The editor of NZ Gardner magazine Jo McCarroll is in Auckland and journalist Richard Langston is in the RNZ Wellington studio.
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