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The Panel for Friday 20 July 2018
The Panel, Friday July 20th
12:00 PM.Today's panellists are barrister Jonathan Krebs, and author and columnist Lisa Scott
Coming up
Pre-Panel & One Quick Question for 20 July 2018
3:45 PM.We find the answers to any queries you can think up. Audio
Story of the day for 20 July 2018
3:54 PM.Most of us take them everywhere, to work, in the kitchen and for some nasty people, the bathroom. And so really it should come as no surprise that new research has found our cell phone is ten times… Read more Audio
The Panel with Lisa Scott and Jonathan Krebs (Part 1)
4:03 PM.The alt-right speakers Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux have had their visas approved, with the government saying there was no reason to deny them access to New Zealand. As Confederate monuments… Read more Audio
The Panel with Lisa Scott and Jonathan Krebs (Part 2)
4:05 PM.Professor Martin Conway, the director of the center for memory at the University of London, says if you remember anything before the age of 3, your mind is playing tricks. What the Panelists Lisa… Read more Audio
Visas approved as Southern/Molyneux saga rolls on
4:08 PM.Alt-right speakers Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux have had their visas approved, there is no reason to deny them access to NZ says the Government, and the organiser of their trip says they will… Read more Audio
Push-back follows Confederate imagery crackdown
4:10 PM.A record number of car drivers in Tennessee are driving around using Confederate flag license plates. Audio
Dunedin council keen to bring locals into trades
4:11 PM.A plan to train hundreds of Dunedin residents as tradespeople for the city's new $1.4 billion hospital build. Audio
The murky world of Defence procurement
4:20 PM.The Defence Force is looking for a buyer for 20 of its light armoured vehicles that have sat idle now for years. Potential buyers from a foreign country visited in February last year. There's been… Read more Audio
Selwyn College under fire for vulgar nicknames ceremony
4:29 PM.Many people will be across this story by now, the Selwyn College Hall of Residence in Dunedin being told to cease and desist its "nickname ceremony" - an annual practice in which students were given… Read more Audio
How far back do your memories go?
4:32 PM.Professor Martin Conway, the director of the center for memory at the University of London, says if you remember anything before the age of 3, your mind is playing tricks. Audio
Is our bacon really Made in New Zealand?
4:44 PM.Much has been made in media of the revelation that a high proportion of the bacon we buy comes from places like Spain and Finland but is said to be made in NZ. Audio
Aussie CEO pay through the roof
4:49 PM.At a time when many people feel it's urgent we address the inequality ripping society apart... Australian CEO pay is at record highs, reports Business Insider. Audio