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The Panel for Friday 26 May 2017
One Quick Question for 26 May 2017
3:45 PM.We find the answers to any queries you can think up. Audio
The Panel with Claire Matthews and Michele A'Court (Part 1)
4:06 PM.Police reward offers; Continuing Cathedral conundrum; Comments on the 2017 Budget. Audio
The Panel with Claire Matthews and Michele A'Court (Part 2)
4:07 PM.Comfort for Ariana Grande; NZ takes off; Schapelle's heading home. Audio
Police reward offers
4:10 PM.Criminologist Ronald Kramer tells us if there's any point in Police offering rewards on information about shop robberies. Audio
Continuing Cathedral conundrum
4:19 PM.A decision around the fate of the remains of the Chrictchurch Cathedral is still dragging on. Audio
Comments on the 2017 Budget
4:25 PM.How much use to National is helping out that traditional Labour territory on Struggle Street? Audio
Privacy concerns over fighting terrorism online
4:29 PM.UK PM Theresa May is calling on calls on tech firms to lead fight against online extremism. Audio
Comfort for Ariana Grande
4:35 PM.Emotional responses continue for the Manchester bombing victims and the pop star at the centre of it Ariana Grande. Audio
Volcano hazard and risk for Auckland unknown
4:45 PM.Volcanic hazard and risk modeller for GNS, Natalia Deligne, says that despite years of research, they "have no idea" when, or where, Auckland's next eruption will be." Audio
The Panel pre-show for 26 May 2017
4:46 PM.Your feedback, and a preview of the guests and topics on The Panel. Audio