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The Panel for Thursday 25 May 2017
One Quick Question for 25 May 2017
3:47 PM.We find the answers to any queries you can think up. Audio
The Panel pre-show for 25 May 2017
3:51 PM.Your feedback, and a preview of the guests and topics on The Panel. Audio
The Panel with Lisa Scott and Damon Salesa (Part 1)
4:03 PM.Budget 2017 analysis from commentators Bernard Hickey and Grant Cleary. Audio
The Panel with Lisa Scott and Damon Salesa (Part 2)
4:05 PM.Scientists say Flamingos stand on one leg because they expend less energy on a single leg than on 2. What postures do you prefer? What the Panelists Lisa Scott and Damon Salesa want to talk about… Read more Audio
Tax cuts in 2017 Budget
4:08 PM.Budget 2017 analysis from commentators Bernard Hickey and Grant Cleary. Audio
What postures do you prefer?
4:33 PM.Scientists say Flamingos stand on one leg because they expend less energy on a single leg than on 2. Audio
Q&A on vaccinations
4:42 PM.Nikki Turner of the Immunisation Advisory Centre answers some questions about vaccinations. Audio
Troops on the streets post-Manchester
4:53 PM.There are thousands of troops on the streets of Britain in the wake of the Manchester bombing. Audio